Feb 13, 2008

New Budget, Now That I'm Making $$$

New Budget


$1300 ING Savings For Tax Account
$300 to ING for Emergency Account
$300 to ING for Grad School
$200 to ING for House
$300 to Sharebuilder / Investing
$200 to Roth
$100 HSA

$1050: Rent / Utilities
$71.33: Cable/ Internet
$48.33: Verizon Phone
$128: Health Insurance
$138: Car Insurance
$100: Gas
$27: Gym


$1237.78 left for...


$400 food / vitamins
$300 clothes / tech
$200 gas
$150 gifts
$100 dry cleaning
$50 laundry
$30 charity

Now am I forgetting anything?


At the end of the year, from my ING tax account I will pay my taxes. I should not spend all the money on taxes because I'm "taxing myself" at a 25 percent rate for all the money I make, but in the end all my money will not be taxed at that rate.

Any extra money is going towards a Digital SLR camera!!!


SavingDiva said...

Wow! It sounds like you've really thought this budget through. I think the more categories in a budget, the easier it is to stick to.

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